In this article, we will cover how to start issuing quotes using Plan Pro's short term insurance system. This system will allow you, the agent, to issue quotes for vehicles, home contents, buildings, and geysers, with any of our supported companies - Auto & General, Budget Insurance, Dial Direct, First for Women, Hollard, and Virseker. Some companies and asset types may not be available depending on your instance.


Before you begin, you should ensure that you have the correct access role. If you log into Plan Pro, and the following dashboard is not present, please ask your administrator to assign the Short Term Insurance Agent role to you.

The dashboard consists of the following sections:

  1. A button that takes you to the quoting page.
  2. A button that takes you to the list of contacts (customers).
  3. A list of broker appointments  you have created.
    • Here, you can see the contact's name, their old insurer, old policy number, old monthly premium and the date the appointment was created. Click on the View Details button to see more information about an appointment, or click the Change Status button to send a reminder to the contact, email the insurer, or cancel the appointment.
  4. A list of insurance quotes created by you.
    • Here, you can see the contact's name, the insurer, the total premium, the quote number (if it has been transferred to Telesure), the quote's status, and the date the quote was created. Click on the View Details button to see more information about a quote, or click the Change Status button to issue a policy or cancel the quote.

Quoting Page

Clicking on Go To Quoting brings you to the main page of the system. It may take a few moments to load the first time you access it.

Policy Holder Information

  1. To begin, you must either create a new contact, or select one from the dropdown menu. Each contact must have a title, first name, last name, ID number, gender, email address, and cellphone number.
  2. Then, fill in the contact's information. Required information is marked with a red asterisk (*).
  3. Finally, click on Save Contact Information to ensure that this information is stored. If you make changes to this section in the future, remember to click on the button again before proceeding.

Broker Appointment (optional)

If your contact is already with an insurance company, you can create a broker appointment, which will indicate that they want your company to become their insurance broker. Select their current insurer, enter their policy number, and enter their current monthly premium. Then, click on Save Broker Appointment.

A new table will appear underneath this section, showing the appointment's current status. An email and SMS will also be sent to the contact, to remind them to access the broker appointment portal (shown below the following image) and sign. Broker appointments will also appear on your dashboard, as mentioned before.

Prepare a Quote

After choosing a contact, you can scroll down to the next three sections - General Quote Fields, Calculate Motor Premium, and Calculate Non-Motor Premium.

In the General Quote Fields section, you must select if the contact consents to doing a credit check (1), the insurance companies you want to calculate a quote for (2), and if SASRIA is included for motor and non-motor vehicles (3). A contact who has not provided consent to do a credit check will not be able to receive a quote. Additionally, at least one company must be selected to calculate premiums.

You may then proceed to fill in the rest of the required fields, depending on whether you are doing a quote for a vehicle or a non-vehicle (home contents, buildings, geysers).

Perform Calculations

After filling in information for, for example, a vehicle, open the Calculate for Contact Vehicle tab. The options available to you are as follows.

  1. You should save the vehicle information for your contact. This will capture all your form data and store it, allowing it to be reused for different calculations.
  2. You can click the "Capture another vehicle" button to take you back to the top of your current tab.
  3. You can calculate premiums for insurance companies, which are the companies you selected earlier under General Quote Fields.
  4. In the table, you will see all saved assets for the contact. If you need to make changes to a saved asset, please delete the old version and recapture it.

Save an Insurance Quote

Once you have performed all the calculations you would like to add to your contact's quote, scroll down to Motor/Non-Motor Premium Results. Here, you can select which calculations to include or exclude from the quote. If the client is satisfied, click on Save Insurance Quote for Selected Premiums. This will generate a quote as well as a PDF representation of it. The PDF can be found by going to your dashboard and clicking View Details next to a quote.

From here, you may send a portal link to the contact. The contact must sign off on their quote before it can be transferred to the relevant insurance company. A preview of the quote will be shown to them on the portal.

After the quote is transferred, the insurance company will call your contact within the next minute, and proceed from there. For Auto & General, Budget, Dial Direct, First for Women, or Virseker, the lead will be transferred to either DataNet or AS400, depending on your company's preferences. Please ask an administrator to change the preference, if you prefer one or the other. By default, all quotes are transferred to DataNet. For Hollard, the lead will be transferred to Nimbis only.

Add Notes

At the bottom of the page, you can add notes for the contact. Simply type in your note and click Add Note. It will be appended to the list below, which can be seen by anyone who works with this contact. Notes are also accessible from the contact's page.