Retry limit reached. Please request a new link.
You will be able to use a link for up to 10 times. If the link doesn't work anymore, please request a new link via SMS / email from one of our agents.
The link has expired.
The link expired after 7 days, to re-activate it, ask the agent to re-send it to you via SMS or email.
This document has already been signed.
The link that you received is old. Please request a new link from one of our agents.
References do not match.
The link you received is invalid, and you should request a new link.
A newer Form-16 pack was generated. Please request a new link.
The link you received is old, and you should request a new link.
Cannot process documentSign request. No matching DocumentSignature found.
If your signature can't be found, it means the link is invalid. Please re-enter it or request a re-send from the agent.
Cannot process documentSign request. Client reference or reference is empty.
The URL is invalid / is missing required info. Please re-enter it or request a re-send from the agent.