In this article we will show you how to Delete Guests as well as manually create New Reservations on behalf of your guests.

How to Delete a guest:

  • From your Dashboard, navigate to the Guests dropdown under the Guest Management Menu item.

  • You will now see a list of all the guests you have added. Navigate to the guest you would like to update (using the Search function if necessary).

  • Click on the blue arrow in order to open the relevant guest's details.

  • From the guest's details view, you will be able to delete as well as edit the relevant guest's information.

  • **Note: If there is already a reservation, you might not be able to delete the guest. Please send an email to our support team and they will be happy to help: [email protected]

How to create a New Reservation on behalf of your guest:

  • From the same guest details view as mentioned in the previous section, you will see a table called Reservations.
  • To update your guest's RSVP preference manually, click on the New Reservation button.

  • You will be brought to a New Reservation form.
  • Your guest's Attending status can now be updated accordingly.
  • Fill in all the information needed and click on the Save button in the bottom right corner.

  • We refrain from deleting RSVP Reservations to avoid confusion and unexpected guests from showing up at your event, thus the newest RSVP will always be the relevant one.

In case this is not the solution you were looking for, see our other solution articles here or open a ticket for our support team to assist you here.