Release date: 2021-10-03

With the implementation of the below tickets we have also upgraded our development software version to Primefaces 10 and Java 11. We are excited about all the new opportunities these improved version will bring to our application. Some frontend design or layout changes will already be visible to the users, however no system functionality  


  • [LAW-150] - Can't upload registration documents

The user was unable to load a registration document to the attorney company.

New Features:

  • [LAW-85] - Ability to manually enter address as to using Google

Not all address, especially rural areas are available on Google. User will now have the option to enter the address if the not found.


  • [LAW-87] - Remove court suburbs from Select Court step

The list was too long for the screen layout and made it difficult for the user to navigate

  • [LAW-146] - Remove dependents from docs

This is a client specific request which is only applicable to the document templates of the requested attorney.

  • [LAW-149] - Add Google address search on attorney registration form

This search functionality will allow the user to complete the details quicker and more accurately, as the fields will be auto populated by on selecting the address from the Google suggestions